Adding Accessibility to your website
Enabling accessibility tools on your website allows you to attain WCAG 2.0 compliance (ADA Compliance). These accessibility tools will help users view your website the way that suits them.

AI Powered Web Accessibility Solutions
We use UserWay’s Accessibility features to help your website become more accessible to your viewers. We can help users view your website with larger text, bigger images, less clutter etc.
These accessibility options are only visible to the user using them, so by default your website will show up the way we designed it. But they have the option to click and play around with the settings.
Adding Accessibility to your website
Do you want to add accessibility features to your website?
With the accessibility widget viewers can customize your website on their device to suit their needs.
- Adding keyboard navigation for the tricky forms
- Screen readers for those who don’t like to always use the narrator
- Contrast adjustments to make things easier to read for the colour-blind
- Increase the size of text
- Add spacing between text to make things easier to read
- Pausing animations to help focus
- Increase the size of the cursor to make it easier to click elements
- Even add features to improve dyslexic functionality

WCAG & ADA Compliance
UserWay’s solutions make WCAG & ADA compliance easier from day one, and every single day thereafter.
Mitigate Legal Risk
Protect your website from accessibility-related lawsuits with the world’s strongest automated solution for accessibility.
Enhanced Usability & UI/UX
Accessibility sets your website apart and showcases your commitment to inclusion – all while boosting SEO, search rankings, conversions and your bottom line.
UserWay Makes Accessibility Easy
Watch the UserWay accessibility video: